Here is a list of our major events that we have during the season. Full dance calendar is listed under Calendar. For more event details, make sure you fill out our dancer information form so you can be added to our mail list and join the Remind.
You can join the Remind by texting @tshsdance to the number 81010.
Every year we attend at least one dance camp in July. This is a great way for new dancers to meet returning dancers and to learn from some of the best in the industry. We always aim to hold camp with Northwest Dance Company or Full Throttle Dance, both being leaders with instructors from pro level teams like the Seattle Seahawks, Portland Trailblazers, and Chicago Bulls.
A fantastic event where dancers get to dance and raise money for a great cause! The Andréa Rizzo Foundation raises funds to support children with cancer and special needs, fostering Andréa’s dreams of providing dance/movement therapy to children with cancer and special education needs. Hosted by Lake Washington High School in Kirkland. Typically in August.
Auditions will be a three day process. On days one and two, dancers will learn a routine and basic skills. On day three, dancers will perform in front of a panel of 4-6 judges for their placement tests.
We accept incoming 9th-12th grade dancers of all skill levels and genders. More details about tryouts will be in our promotional information packet.
Dancers are expected to perform at football and basketball halftime performances. We love getting the crowd hyped up while working on our performance skills needed for competition season. We have had the pleasure of performing at multiple halftime events including the State events for boys' and girls' basketball.
Dancers perform at multiple competitions throughout the season. Dancers must score a 195 to qualify for Districts and soon to be 220 to qualify for State. Competitions are held on Saturdays and are typically an all day event.
The team has been attending Regionals since Dance Team Union has started offering them for the PNW! It is a fantastic way to compete against the best in the region. The team has proudly brought home a 4th place trophy in the Pom category in 2021!
We host our very own competition, Out Of This World, annually. This is our BIGGEST fundraiser event. It is a favorite between coaches, dancers, judges, and spectators! In order to run a successful competition, we enlist the help of parents, students, family members, and friends! We need all hands on deck to pull off such an amazing event for the 1000's of people who attend.
Districts will bring the best of D3 to compete against each other to fight to earn a spot at State. Soon, dancers must score a 220 in order to attend State.
The big event! This is what we train for all season. State is typically held on Friday and Saturday at the end of March. Dancers will travel with the team for an overnight stay and compete the following day.
To wrap the season, the team performs in the Maple Valley Days Parade on the second Saturday in June. They have the best time learning a quick routine. After the parade is done, the team gets lunch together at the food trucks.